Intelligent Integration

VESDA-E series and VESDAnet capable series detectors can communicate to NOTIFIER Fire Alarm Control Panels directly using a high level interface or an SLC integration module.

VESDA-E series and VESDAnet capable series detectors can communicate to NOTIFIER Fire Alarm Control Panels directly using a high level interface or an SLC integration module.

High Level Interface

Using the VESDA Gateway (VESDA-HLI-GW), a VESDAnet network can communicate to a standard or high-speed NOTI-FIRE-NET and enable event notification and controle of devices on the VESDAnet trhough a supervised communications module (VHX-1420-HFS). Event notifications for up to 100 detectors are displayed on the fire network and annunciators with a device type of "aspiration". Control can be initiated from these annunciators.


The Signaling Line Circuit Integration Module (SLC-IM) provides a communication link between a VESDAnet Network and a Fire Alarm Control Panel via the VHX-1420-HFS. The SLC-IM translates modbus protocol to SLC protocol, enabling events on the VESDAnet to be annunciated by the FACP for up to 19 detectors.


Agency Listings:

UL/ULC S635 (SLC-IM and VHX-1420-HSF)


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Data Sheets pdf | 0.31 MB 06/10/2019
Data Sheets pdf | 0.27 MB 06/10/2019